Monday, April 30, 2007

The Best Day!

Today I've had to remind myself of (one) of my mottos: "Today is the best day of my life!" I try to remind myself of this each day because I realize that today is all that I have. Yesterday is gone, and I don't know if I'll be allowed to see tomorrow, and since I don't have control over either of those two days, there's no point in my worrying too much about either one. (I may make this sound easy, but applying this attitude to my life isn't always as easy as it may sounds.) I must admit that I don't feel that I have many "bad" days at my job. I enjoy my job, the work that I do. I like the people with whom I work. I even like the kids that I deal with on a regular basis (most, most of the time, anyway). Today was apparently an aberation! First off...well, I'd better not give details, but suffice it to say, politics abound in the workplace! I was so upset by something that happened that I was almost in tears. Since I knew that I would probably cry if I talked to the person that I believed could take care of the problem, I did the most logical thing I could think of--I sent an e-mail to that person along with a copy to my immediate superior. I was satisfied to see that both individuals opened their e-mails right away, but not so satisfied when I heard very quickly from my superior and was informed that I had committed an apparent faux pas by involving a higher-up in a domain over which she was not to be involved. Apologies abounded--mine, of course! I guess I've been having it too easy, because the first upsetting event was soon followed by a second. Last week I asked for guidance in dealing with a particular situation involving students. I was told (adamantly) what could and could not be done. Today I found out that what we are saying and what we are doing are two different things. This really goes against my grain! Finally, to top off the day, when I encouraged a student to get busy, he came back with an extremely vulgar, disrespectful comment. In 30 years of teaching, it was the first time anyone had said something like this to me! Oh, well. Today, the best day of my life, is almost over, and if I'm blessed, I'll wake up tomorrow morning to face the best day of my life!